Something happens after the Fourth of July. My mind turns from summer to school. It’s almost as though Independence Day is the top of a steep hill leading down to the dog-days of summer and my return to the classroom. About this time of the year, I also begin scrolling Amazon for ways to update my classroom.
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Amazon for Organization
First, I love my Amazon kitchen timer! I use this to keep myself organized during instruction. Without my kitchen timer, I give either too much or too little wait time.
My classroom is a pretty organized place, and these task card organizers are an absolute favorite! I originally purchased them in clear, but if I had to do it again, I would get these fun colored ones! Check out more ways to organize task cards.
This three-tiered cart is on my classroom wishlist! I travel a lot with my students to the library, and this seems like it would be a good mobile classroom. I’ve learned that visiting the library requires lots of accessories, so I think this cart will be the perfect tool.
I cannot stand classroom paper piles, so when I saw these collapsible baskets, I knew exactly how I would use them! I put one at the back of the room to store extra copies, one by the front of the room with classroom clipboards, and one near the front to collect library books!

Classroom Technology
My #1 piece of classroom technology is my document camera! I use is every single day! I use the document camera to model annotations, for student-led lessons, and everything in between!
I also use this Scotch laminator way more often than I ever expected! It’s so easy to use, and I can laminate anything in minutes! I laminate all my task cards, too, so this is a great way to keep your classroom games polished and protected.
This might sound like a stretch, but a sturdy pencil sharpener is a key piece of classroom technology! At the high school level, my kids do a good job taking care of their own pencil sharpening needs. Emptying the pencil sharpener shavings is also a treasured classroom job (who knew?).
Finally, I just added this file extensions poster to my Amazon cart. While my students mostly work in Google Docs and Google Slides, every once in a while I have students working in a different software and/or students just submit something in a bizarre format. I think this post might be a great way to help clarify some file-type expectations!
Classroom Library Updates
Updating my classroom library is one of my favorite summer activities! If you’re shopping for a classroom library refresh, check out these favorite recommendations:
- They Both Die at the End and The First to Die at the End
- (in my Amazon cart right now) The Inheritance Games
- Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom
- The Shadow and Bones trilogy
- The Arc of the Scythe series
- Turtles All the Way Down
- The Shatter Me series
Quick Soapbox Moment
While I love shopping for my classroom, I would be remiss if I didn’t say this: you do not have to spend any money on your classroom. The amount of money you spend on your classroom is not a reflection of how much you love your students. Read more from my annual back-to-school message.
What else is in your Amazon cart?