For my first five years of teaching, I was also a coach, which meant we traveled constantly. As a result, I missed a lot of instructional time and spent a lot of time writing sub plans. Over time, I found myself writing the same items every time (take attendance to the office, lunch is at 11:54, my second block is in a different classroom).
For this reason, I created the Substitute Cover Sheet. And it has cut leaving sub plans in half.
First, I thought of the items and procedures I wished I could tell every single substitute.
- The bell schedule
- My contact information
- Location of emergency exits
- Where to find emergency work
- Which co-workers to ask for help
- How to treat the AC and windows
- Putting up chairs at the end of the day
- How to use and where to find hall passes
- How to handle attendance and absent students
- Which students are leaders and which are…not
- Our technology policy and how to handle tech issues
Then, I typed up all this information in detail while also trying to limit myself to one page.
Finally, I put the Substitute Cover Sheet to work, and, as a result, when I am absent, I usually return to a tidy room, get better and more detailed notes from subs, and frequently have subs ask to visit my room again.
Last thing: Two years ago, our administration gave every teacher a ten-cent purple pocket folder with brads and asked that every teacher leave their sub plans and rosters in this folder. That way the building could train subs to look for the purple folder. This has been an awesome success! When someone in my department is absent, all I have to do is walk into the room and find the purple folder and place it on the desk. Such an easy and common sense suggestion has been great.
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Want to try it in your classroom? Here’s a FREE template and example of how to use this tool! What other recommendations do you have for making your classroom a sub-friendly place? What information is missing from the cover sheet? Let me know your tips and tricks below.