In June 2018 when I started Moore English, I had no idea what it would become. Never did I expect to stick with it for so many years, and never did I expect it to have such a positive impact on my teaching. So I was shocked and excited to see that this is the 200th blog post!
To celebrate the occasion, I’ve rounded up the 20 most popular Moore English blog posts plus my personal favorites!
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My Favorite Moore English Blog Posts!
While I’m proud of all my blog posts, these 4 have a special place in my heart. Some of them are energizing, some were humbling to write, and each one represents a little piece of Moore English!
4. Creative Writing Activities to Build Classroom Community
3. Teachers Aren’t Candles and Other Common Classroom Myths
2. Confessions of a Recovering Teacher Martyr
1. Why I’m Not the “Cool” Teacher
Top 20 Moore English Posts
20. How to Assess Close Reading
19. Better than P-I-E: A Better Way to Teach Author’s Purpose
18. 4 Must-Have Anchor Charts for ELA
17. 21 Best YouTube Videos for High School English
16. How to Analyze Test Data in 6 Easy Steps

15. Why I Always Teach “The Danger of a Single Story”
14. 4 Steps for Pre-Reading Any Poems
13. 9 Paired Texts for Teaching The Odyssey
12. How to Introduce Literary Criticism
11. How to Teach Context Clues in Secondary ELA

10. How to Teach Literary Criticism with Taylor Swift
9. 10 Poems to Teach Inference
8. 40 Texts for Teaching Literary Criticism
7. Paired Texts for Teaching Things Fall Apart
6. 8 Short Stories Even Your Picky High Schoolers Will Love

5. 7 Paired Texts for Teaching The Great Gatsby
4. Communists and Witches: Teaching The Crucible
3. Paired Texts for Teaching To Kill a Mockingbird
2. 5 Ways to Use Google Jamboard in the Classroom
1. Are You Making these Seating Chart Mistakes?
Here’s to the future of Moore English! What topic would you like to see next?